Welcome back welcome back welcome backkkk! Lol so hi you guys it's been a long time for this one but this was my baby before that booth lol. Anyway I reread this who would have known I was the writer this was good... Anystankhoe same rules apply with this story that we had with the other comment or get that ass blocked! This first chapter of me being back posting is open once you comment at the bottom dm me on twitter and tell me your email so I can add you to the reading list! If you don't dm me u don't get added and your going to be crying when I block the story just a heads up before I start posting or writing anything on this story. Unlike the last story I will not add new readers when y'all ask its a pain cuz most times I'm at work when you ask. If you like the story so far tell a friend. If you are that friend just finding out about this story then hi and my twitter is @pinkmunybarbie send your email. For the rest of my babies hi loves ready to finish this one up? My chapter titles say we have 29 more chapters :/ I'm going to cut them down to 15. 29 is a bit much don't you think? I think so... Anyway love you guys bai